How to Eat Out and Stick to Keto

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Check out another video: Side Effects of Going Keto aka the Carb Flu

Or another video: How Do You Know if You’re Going Into Ketosis?

Also join my free Keto support group on Facebook called Keto Life Habits.


Hey. It’s Sarah, your weight loss and wellness coach. Today I want to talk about how to eat out and stay keto or low carb. I get that question a lot. I had a couple of guys in here today and they were like, “I have a job where I have to eat out all the time. What can I do?”

I was thinking about that. Great ways to do that are to avoid Italian food restaurants because  – pasta and bread, you just can’t do that. Stay away from there. At a Mexican food restaurant, you can get fajitas, not eat the tortilla. Get some extra guacamole and just have the meat and the veggies and the guacamole and you’re good to go, right?

At a hamburger place, like you have absolutely no option so you have to go to fast food, then you could get protein style or a lettuce wrap. If they don’t do that, just a bowl of lettuce and just have them put the burger on there. You can get cheese on it. You can get mayonnaise. I usually get mayonnaise and dip it in there, put guacamole. Still trying to think about, am I getting my carbs? Am I getting my protein? Am I getting my healthy fat? Trying to think about that.

What other places? Just anything like that. Try to make sure that you’re making good choices, doing the best that you can. Sometimes even there are days that I am starving and there’s a 7-Eleven that’s the only choice I have. They do tend to have hard boiled eggs or salad or a meat and cheese wrap, pork rinds, or beef jerky. There are typically things even in a convenience store that you can find. Definitely water or Powerade Zero. Try to make sure that you re still making the healthier choices when you’re out and that will help you stick to your diet and your health and wellness goals. Hope this helps. Have a great day.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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