Final Days – Day 13-14

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Wednesday started out with our Consulate appointment bright and early. We all got dressed up and went and took the citizenship oath and applied for the babies’ visa. Our guide will give us the visa this afternoon and then we are FREE!!!!

River Cruise

Last night we went on a Pearl River dinner cruise. It went up and down the Pearl River. The food was about the same as the rest of our trip…not much we could really eat (neither of us eats pork…which pretty much leaves you with nothing to eat here). But Maddi did pretty well…until she didn’t.

Benson and Jenny

Benson, Jenny and Brayden sat at our table with us. We all pretty much just at those brown noodles.

ice cream

Nora tried the ice cream….no spoons or napkins on the dinner cruise though.


This morning (our last full day in China) we dressed all the babies in traditional clothes and attempted to take their pictures…notice the word attempted…sorry none of my pictures really came out very well.

group on stairs

This is the whole group that went to Henan with us.


We attempted to get them to sit on the couch. Notice how Maddi is looking at Brayden laying on her? He ended up trying to launch himself off the couch after this picture. They are 2 weeks apart and the 2 youngest babies in the group.


Then her little boyfriend decided to try to go in for a kiss! LOL

Three of the other mommies in the group and I took a trip to Walmart today to stock up on diapers and snacks for the plane ride home. I really wish I could say that the people of Chinese Walmart’s are the same as the US…but they’re much more normal!

We have to pack up tonight and get on the bus for the airport at 5:30am tomorrow (Friday here). Friday will actually be 2 days long for us, but we land in Austin at 6pm on Friday.

Wish us luck….we’re going to need it!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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