Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Activity

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Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed board book

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed is a classic children’s story. Today for Baby Signs® story time I wanted to teach the parents and babies the signs to go along with it. This is a great book for babies and young children since it is a repetitive book and encourages children to join in and engage with the story.

Each week I like to do an activity to go along with our chosen book.

Today I found tons of activities to go along with this book (and many more) on Make Learning Fun. Be sure to click the link for resources for this activity. They have many, many activities to go with various themes and books and are a wonderful resource for anyone that works with or lives with preschool aged children.

Supplies You’ll Need:

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed board book

print out of monkey puppet activity page

toilet paper tube

water color paints and paint brush




paint a toilet paper tube

First you will need to print out the activity page. Then paint the toilet paper tube brown (or whatever color monkey you’d like).

five little monkeys activity

While your toilet paper tube is drying, color and cut out your monkey puppet. (Please excuse the seriously old table top. That’s on the DIY list to fix soon.)

five little monkeys activity

Glue together and play!

Note: the directions on the activity page say that you should flatten the toilet paper tube before painting it. We found it easier to paint if it was not flattened (could put fingers inside to hold it) and then our monkeys could stand up and be ready to jump!

If you can find enough toilet paper tubes, I would suggest making five monkeys so that your child can retell the story using his/her own monkeys.

What are some of your child’s favorite books?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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