Gluten Free Brownies

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I admit, I’m struggling a little with having to adjust my diet. I mean once you take out gluten, dairy and sugar…what are you left with? Spinach pretty much! LOL

I’ve been reading a lot about eating a healthier diet to try and control my insulin resistance and there are a lot of fruits and vegetables I can’t eat because they raise my blood sugar. But sometimes you just need a treat.

I went looking for some gluten free brownies, but what I found were actually raw vegan brownies that I never in a million years would have thought would be so good!

Gluten Free Brownies - You will NOT believe how good these are or that they are raw vegan too!

Gluten Free Brownies

My oldest son insisted on making a “cake” this past Saturday and I was a little stumped as to what we could make that would still be healthy.

I went searching the web and came across a site called The Rawterian. She has mostly raw recipes and some amazing photos.

We followed her Raw Brownie Recipe and it was quick, easy and delicious.

I will admit ALL of the ingredients in the recipe (except the cacao powder) are on my “not on your life” eating list (dates, pecan/walnuts and coconut) but some how the cacao powder blends them all together into an amazing treat (and yes it did raise my blood sugar levels but it was worth the bite!).

I’ve really had to struggle to keep the kids from eating them all in one sitting too – which is awesome! Never would I have thought I’d get them to eat something so healthy as a “treat”.

click here to get the recipe

Even if you’re not into the raw vegan stuff… these are a great gluten free brownie that your friends and family will inhale!

Do you like dates? Have you ever tried to “hide” them in food?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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