Gluten Free Meal Plan Monday #47

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Welcome back to another week of gluten free meal plan. If you’re looking for other meal planning ideas, go here and if you’d like a two week plan and the basic ideas of how I meal plan go here.

Last week I had some blood tests (and ultrasound and CT scan) done to see why my stomach hurts. They haven’t figured that out quite yet…although we got a BIG clue – I seem to have a systemic Candida infection. So I’m researching natural ways to help that…which has more than likely caused some Leaky Gut Syndrome and some of my other problems…not sure it caused the pain though.

Anyway…looks like I’m going to have to be pretty strict with no gluten, no dairy and no sugar for a while. My weekly meal plans will be mostly that, but you are of course able to modify them to fit your family’s needs.

Gluten Free Meal Plan Monday # 47 - Steak Salad, Nachos, Avocado & Grapefruit Salad, Loaded Sweet Potato Soup and more

Gluten Free Meal Plan

MondaySteak Salad (just substitute liquid aminos for the Worcestershire sauce)

TuesdayGluten Free Nachos

Wednesday – Chicken, Avocado & Grapefruit Salad

ThursdayLoaded Sweet Potato Soup

Friday – Meatza

SaturdayGF Chicken Pad Thai

SundayEasy Slow Cooker Beef Bourguignon

Breakfast for the WeekGF Cranberry Orange Muffins

Hope you enjoy these yummy recipes!

Click here for a free two week meal plan and for other meal plan options, check out I’m an Organizing Junkie.

Have a great week!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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