Our Favorite Gluten Free Snack – Alpine Lace Swiss Cheese #LifeIngredients

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This post is sponsored by Alpine Lace®, but all opinions are 100% my own.

With 3 kids, my life is a bit crazy. I spend most of my day just trying to keep them all fed…which is a feat, let me tell you!

They LOVE to snack, but I’ve been slowly trying to transition them to gluten free snacks (although they have no idea). One of their most favorite snacks is cheese. I just discovered Alpine Lace® Deli Swiss Cheese and the kids are loving it. (Swiss cheese was one of my favorites as a kid!)

Our Favorite Gluten Free Snack - Alpine Lace Swiss Cheese

 Our Top 5 Gluten Free Snacks

Some of our favorite gluten free snacks are:

1. Nuts – We like peanuts, cashews and almonds best.

2. Popcorn – My kids would literally do anything for popcorn. By using an air popper we cut down on the calories.

3. Cheese – We like all kinds of cheese, but one of their favorites is Alpine Lace® Swiss Cheese.

Most varieties of Alpine Lace® Deli Cheese are reduced fat, perfect for snacking on the go or adding delicious flavor to your favorite sandwich. Its great taste comes from high-quality ingredients, and it provides a good source of protein and calcium.

4. Hard Boiled Eggs – We go through a lot of eggs around here. Dave and Connor both take them in their lunches and I usually cut one up on my lunch salad.

5. Gluten Free Bars – There are quite a few brands of gluten free snack bars that are available in most stores. I usually try to find ones with higher protein levels to keep their bellies full longer.

Turkey and Swiss Cheese on Gluten Free Pretzel Roll

Turkey and Swiss on Gluten Free Pretzel Roll

Grabbing a quick lunch is really hard to do when you’re trying to be gluten free….it’s hard to eat a salad in the car. Plus I must admit that I really LOVE bread…which really complicates the whole issue.

I decided to try to make a gluten free pretzel roll since those are popular at some of the sandwich places these days. Gluten Free on a Shoestring is my go to site these days for recipes and I found the perfect one. It was a little sticky…so don’t feel bad about adding more flour.

This sandwich is the perfect quick snack or add some carrot sticks and you’ve got a great lunch!

Alpine Lace Nutrition Label | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

Alpine Lace® has a cool feature on their site that allows you to make a Nutrition Label for your life. Click here (and scroll down) to make your own.

 What are your kids’ favorite healthy snacks?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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