Goal Review: How Am I Doing on Them?

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Since it’s the end of May, and one of my goals had a deadline for this past Thursday, I thought I’d take a look at how I’m doing on my goals and then reassess where needed.

At the beginning of the year I made 3 goals: a Health goal – lose 20lbs by May 29th, a Home goal – declutter and a Business goal- increase page views on the blog.

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Declutter Goal – I have mildly decluttered but not nearly what I wanted, or still want to do. It still drives me crazy daily and I feel like I would feel better about myself if I could let go of some of the external junk (and maybe that will help with the internal junk). Maybe I can get the kids to help with this this summer.

Business Goal – My page views have definitely increased and I am on my way to my goal. I have some good ideas flowing…just need the time and brain space to actually make them happen.

Health Goal – I was supposed to have lost 20lbs by last Thursday (my birthday). That totally didn’t happen…BUT in my defense…I did take some steps toward making this happen. I went to see a doctor who did some blood tests that showed me why I can’t seem to lose weight no matter what I do.

I am pretty severely insulin resistant. I am taking meds and changing my diet and exercise routines to help get this under control before I actually develop diabetes.

I have to completely cut out sugar and grains (sooo hard). This is a pretty drastic move for someone that at one point in time only ate pretty much those two things. I’ve read more about it and realized why I’ve craved those foods my entire life (I’m a sugar burner and get my energy from quick energy like sugar instead of fat.)

So…although I haven’t met my goal, I am still working on it and hope to have this more under control by 2015.

Another thing I’m doing is working with ZonePerfect to help get my protein intake up with some of their yummy bars.

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Leave a comment by answering the question below and one lucky winner will receive a portable charger to help them stay on the go! (Deadline June 15, 2014)

How are you doing on your 2014 goals?

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Disclosure: I am part of the ZonePerfect Blog Forward Challenge. I received complimentary product but all opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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