Gotcha Day – Day 4

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Gotcha 1

We got her!

This morning we all went to the registration office to meet our babies. There were 15 families total there from all different agencies (7 from ours).

Maddi and her little friend Zac were the last to arrive. Her nanny brought her in and it seemed that Maddi immediately knew something was going on. She handed her to me and Maddi become so upset that the nanny just took off.

Many of the nannies were crying…which broke all of our hearts.

Gotcha 2

She’s very petite, but solid. So I decided to try the Ergo carrier right off the bat. She seemed ok in it and pretty much stayed in it or on me for the next 8 hours.  She dosed on and off all day, but never got any quality naps. She also refused to take anything to eat or drink from me until after that 8 hour mark too.

She did come with a pacifier and a bottle that she has been holding on to for dear life and she would occasionally take sips of water from it.

Gotcha 3

She has managed to communicate with us by shaking her head no…a lot! She would also scream if I would set her down.

We had to change her diaper and decided to try a bath. She wasn’t real happy about that so we just kind of wiped her off.

She sweats profusely when she sleeps, so both she and I were drenched by 7pm.

After her bath she did take some food from me and then giggled a bit. Also I was able to let her sit alone on the bed for a few minutes.

But as she became more and more tired, she started to slump. I tried to lay her back, but that started the crying. I pointed to the crib and got a big no head shake. So she’s now snoozed in my bed. But I was able to sneak away to get this typed up…so that’s good.

We have a very long day tomorrow. The adoption will be finalized and then we will make the 2 hr each way trip to Luoyang to apply for her passport.

I better go get some sleep!

P2L Signature

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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