Happy 1st Gotcha Day!

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Maddi's 1st Gotcha Day

Today is our 1 year anniversary of Maddi’s Gotcha Day aka the day they gave her to me in China.

It’s amazing how far she’s come in the last year.

– She’s had two major surgeries that completely changed the way her body was designed and worked.

– She’s grown 4 inches.

– She’s gained (at least) 6 lbs.

– She’s learned a whole new language (her favorite word in both though is still NO).

– She’s grown two shoe sizes.

– She’s much more stable on her feet and runs after her brothers daily.

– She’s much more confident. She goes to school 5 days a week and LOVES it.

– She LOVES bows in her hair now…and has enough hair to hold them in!

I’m sure I could go on and on about the changes in the last year – going from 19 months to 31 months will do that!

We’ve had lots more hard days than easy days, but things seem to be on an upward slant these last few weeks!

We’re so glad to have her in our family and love her lots!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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