Happy Halloween!

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Here in central Texas we can’t really carve our pumpkins until the day before Halloween.

Luckily Daddy stayed home to take Grandma Betty to the airport and to start getting Maddi comfortable with him. Plus Connor had early release. So we got to take an afternoon trip to the pumpkin patch yesterday, our first outing as a family of 5, and had plenty of time for Daddy to carve pumpkins.

at the pumpkin patch

This was as close as I could get to having all three of them standing even remotely near each other!

in the pumpkins

Maddi has a blast riding in the pumpkin wagon and running away from Mommy.

little pumpkin

We did a trial run of her costume and she did great. The boys thought it was hysterical…and so did she!

After 3 kids in 5.5yrs, we had a first last night…the first kid to poop in the bathtub.

Maddi has a colostomy and that has been quite a struggle trying to figure out. Her nanny pretty much just threw her at me and ran and none of the paperwork mentioned how they care for her.

I’ve been very lucky to have an ostomy nurse here in town that has given me supplies and spent time in person, on the phone and over email over the last month. But still it’s a daily (hourly) struggle….esp with introducing new foods and just plain stress of new situations and routines.

Maddi loves to snack. So when it was 6:30pm last night and she was just getting out of the high chair…I knew we were in trouble.

She was in the tub and the boys were hanging on the edge playing with her when I heard Connor start to CRACK UP and scream, “Maddi just went poopies!” (He already loves to tattle on her!)

I started screaming for Dave and it was quite a bit of chaos…but def one for the family record books!

Tomorrow we have our first appointment at the local Adoption Clinic plus the ostomy nurse will be meeting us there to give us some pointers.

Should be an interesting day…I’m betting I’m going to need some Tylenol and ear plugs for Mommy and Daddy!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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