Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PutItOnARitz #CollectiveBias

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My kids are reaching the point that I cannot put food on the table fast enough for them. Someone is always in some kind of growth spurt and wants food 24/7.

And nothing makes a perfect snack like just about anything on a Ritz® cracker.

I’ve really been working hard to come up with some kid friendly recipes that they can help cook and these 5 ideas were the perfect healthy snacks kids can make.

Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. #PutItOnaRitz #ad

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Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make

Before school one morning the two littlest kids and I headed to Walmart. We picked out our favorite toppings…as well as a few new ones that sounded like they would make the perfect healthy snack and a box of our favorite kind of Ritz crackers.

Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. #PutItOnaRitz #ad

Then that night we had a smorgasbord of snacks as dinner to try to decide which were our favorites…they loved it.

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. We started with Peanut Butter & Jelly. #PutItOnaRitz #ad

This first one started with putting a swipe of peanut butter on our cracker and then a little squeeze of jelly. This was actually pretty good and definitely one we’ll try again.

Turkey, Cheese & Spinach

Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. Next we tried turkey, cheese and spinach. #PutItOnaRitz #ad

Next up I took a slice of turkey deli meat, a slice of cheese and used a little round cookie cutter to cut circles out of each of these. I had the kids put one piece of each on top of their cracker and then a piece of baby spinach on top (yes, my kids really eat raw spinach). This was really good, although next time I might buy a little thicker slices of turkey…they were hard to cut out.

Pepperoni & Cheese

Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. Next we tried turkey pepperoni and cheese. #PutItOnaRitz #ad

For our third snack we cut some more cheese circles and then took slices of turkey pepperoni and put them on top. I think this was one of their top favorites…mine too because it was super easy with no mess!

Salmon, Cream Cheese & Capers

Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. This one was kind of stretch for my littlest kids, but my 7 year old likes fish so we did salmon, cream cheese and capers. #PutItOnaRitz #ad

I know, I know…this one is a little stretch for most kids, but my 7 year old really likes fish. We spread cream cheese on a cracker. I had gotten some smoked salmon and once again we used the small cookie cutter on it. Then I topped it with a couple of capers (I LOVE capers!). The two littlest kids wouldn’t try it, but it was my absolute favorite! I think I had this for lunch for three more days!


Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make - These 5 snack ideas are the perfect kid friendly recipes that kids can make themselves. This one was the hands down favorite of everyone! #PutItOnaRitz #ad

This one was hands down the favorite of all of us. We found some strawberry cream cheese fruit dip which makes this amazing! The berries are perfect right now so I cut up some strawberries and we topped it with a blueberry. You could seriously eat 10 of these in one sitting!

Ritz® Truck

Ritz Truck

On Easter we got a chance to visit the Ritz® Truck when it was in town. The kids had fun trying all of the different snack ideas they had.

I hope this gave you some ideas for healthy snacks kids can make. Just let them loose in the store and let them pick their favorite toppings!

What’s your favorite snack?


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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