This is my newest adventure in blogging! I have never used WordPress so it might take me a while to get used to it…so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if it looks different each time you visit.
So who am I…I am a Mompreneur who is juggling family, 2 kids, a husband, and 3 dogs while trying to start her own business and maybe make a little money at it. Mostly I’d like to help families learn and connect through play while training and coaching other women to create their ideal businesses.
I was a teacher for 14 years before deciding to stay home with my boys. I taught children with hearing impairments for the first seven years of my career. Then, for the next five years, I was a classroom teacher (2nd grade 1 year and 1st grade 4 years). Finally, I ended my career as an educational coach helping 4th and 5th grade teachers implement stronger reading practices into their classrooms.
Then back in October of 2011 I was talking with a friend who told me she found something that was “right up my alley.” She said I had to check out SimplyFun and I thought “OK what can it hurt?” Their games looked amazing. I loved their mission of building smarter kids and stronger families because as a teacher for 14 yrs and now a stay at home mom that is MY mission too.
But…I’d never done any kind of direct marketing before…and only ever been to a few parties in the last 10 yrs. I’m not a sales person – if you don’t like it– ok- I’m not going to haggle or be pushy. My husband was very skeptical but we figured “It’s only $99 and if I don’t like it then at least I have 9 new games to play with the kids.” So I ordered my kit sight unseen.
My kids were so excited when that first box came…and every box since then. We played the games and I shared them with my friends and we all loved them! I started going to parties, craft fairs and events and I sold over $5000 in product (that’s over $1200 in my pocket) in the first two months….which really helped with holiday bills!
I LOVE going to parties and events! I’ve made a new friend at each event and I’ve gotten more comfortable talking about the company and the games. I really love that it’s a small company right now and that I will get to watch it grow into a household name.
So that’s my story of how I landed here…I hope you come back to check out what else I can come up with!