Home Behavior Chart

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Last year when Connor was in Kindergarten, his school used a color coded behavior chart system.

He would come home every day and recreate something that had happened at school and one day he decided to make the behavior chart. Everyone had a clip – even the dogs – and he would decide, at will, to move you up or down.

Then he started getting really FIVE (if you have a 5 year old – you know what I mean), so I took over the behavior chart.

This worked sooo well. We agreed upon rewards and consequences and life got a lot better for all of us.

By summer, we didn’t need it any more.

But, life has been getting more hectic and he’s been more impulsive, so it’s time to make a new one.

Here’s how we agreed on our Home Behavior Chart system.

Parenting: Home Behavior Chart

Home Behavior Chart

About 10 days ago I wrote about taking a No Yelling Challenge. And I admit…it’s been a bit of a struggle. I’m not really a yeller, but my 6 yr old is not motivated until he has thoroughly pushed all your buttons and gotten you beyond frustrated, so yes, I yell more these days than I’d like.

I remembered that last year, life got a LOT easier when we put in the behavior chart system he was using at school.

So we tried again this year.

Our chart has 7 colors – his choice. Here are our rewards/consequences for each level. These were all agreed upon by the boys and me.

Pink – $1

Purple – $.50

Blue – $.25

Green – Movies at bedtime

Yellow – 5 minutes Time Out + pay $.25

Orange – 10 minutes Time Out + pay $.50

Red – Bed for the rest of the day

Parenting: Home Behavior Chart

Now before you say “She’s paying her kids for good behavior!” let me say – they wanted this.

They discovered the store Five Below and want to go every day! So we tied it into their behavior chart so they could go regularly and get rewarded for working toward a goal – while learning to save money for what they want to buy.

We’ve gotten off to a slow start this time around, but I will accept some responsibility for that. I need to stop warning them and just make them move their clip.

As you can see this is a 100% kid developed and designed plan – which should give them more buy in to the plan – I’ll let you know! 😉

What behavior system do you use at home?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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