Homemade Cleaning Products

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When was the last time you looked at the list of ingredients on your cleaning products?

Chances are, they are full of chemicals that you do not want to use around your family. Instead, take a look at this list of homemade cleaning products. With a few essential ingredients, you can make your very own products at home. The huge perk that comes with making your own products at home is that you can customize them to exactly what you need.

Homemade Cleaning Products - An easy way to reduce the chemical load of your house is to use homemade Cleaning Products. These work great and use things you already have around the house.

Homemade Cleaning Products

Hydrogen Peroxide Magic: Utilize the cleaning power of hydrogen peroxide around your home. Do not worry, this article breaks down important facts about hydrogen peroxide that you might not know. It is an interesting read that could teach you a thing or two about the way you clean.

Homemade Multipurpose Cleaner: Here is a simple cleaner you can use as a general cleaner around the house. The recipe calls for tea tree oil, which is a natural disinfectant. It is a great alternative to using bleach.

Natural Soft Scrub Cleaner: For those really grimy messes, like the bathtub, you can make a batch of this soft scrub cleaner. It is also a great cleaner to use on your toilets.

Vinegar Ice Cubes: What a simple and ingenious idea! Make vinegar ice cubes to help clean out the garbage disposal and rid your house of fruit flies. I love this simple idea.

Toilet Bombs: There are two different recipes you can try out to make these toilet bombs. They are a great way to clean the grossest place in your house, the toilet.

Homemade Laundry Soap: With a little bit of effort you can make your very own laundry soap. This soap is very gentle on your skin, it is even gentle enough for babies. It does call for a few drops of essential oil, but you can also personalize it to meet your needs.

DIY Lavender Linen Spray: Use this recipe to make your very own lavender linen spray. You can use fresh lavender or a lavender essential oil. Freshen up all of the fabric in your home with a spray that does not have any chemicals.

The Best Carpet Cleaner Recipe: Instead of renting one of those huge, cumbersome carpet machines, keep up on the carpet spills with this carpet cleaner recipe. It is easy to make a batch so the cleaner is readily available next time someone spills something on the carpet.

Also, click the image below to take you to a list of the natural home cleaning supplies you need to make the switch to chemical free cleaning!

Natural Home Cleaning Ideas - Many products you already own in your house will do just as a good of a job of cleaning your home as store bought cleaners.

What are your favorite homemade cleaning products?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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