Homemade Deodorant Recipes – That Really Work!

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Although this is a stinky subject, body odor is just a fact of life.

Using traditional deodorant works, but it also exposes you to aluminum, fillers, fragrances, and even parabens. To help you fight off the stink I have gathered some great homemade deodorant recipes.

Everyone will have a different preference when finding the recipe that is right for them. If you do try one and it does not work, give another one a whirl. I promise you will find one that works for you, but it might take some trial and error at first.

Homemade Deodorant Recipes - You want to make sure that you know all the ingredients in something that you put on your body everyday. These homemade deodorant recipes will keep you smelling nice AND healthy!

Homemade Deodorant Recipes

Even though there are conflicting studies about how traditional deodorant affects your body, it is too serious for me to ignore. After all, our skin is the largest organ of our body. It absorbs everything we put on it, even deodorant.

If we are willingly applying something to our skin that is not safe to eat, logic tells us that it is not safe for our body. If the result of using traditional deodorant is an increased risk of breast cancer and even alzheimer’s, I would rather play it safe and stay completely away from this stuff. Especially if you can find an alternative that you like.

Here are some go to ingredients to keep on hand when you want to make your own homemade deodorant.

Natural Deodorant: This is a basic deodorant made from baking soda, coconut oil, Shea butter, and essential oil. It is a great place to start. One thing I would caution you about is that some people are sensitive to baking soda. If you find that you are, you can either try reducing the amount of baking soda you use or if that does not work it would probably be best if you eliminated this ingredient in your own version.

DIY Deodorant Recipe: You can use this recipe if you find that you are sensitive to baking soda. Yes, it does call for diatomaceous earth, but there is no need to worry as long as you use the food grade. It is made up entirely of silica and can also help pull toxins from your body.

Homemade Summer Deodorant Recipe: I like to use this recipe for the man in my life. I find that it is a little bit stronger than the versions above, which is just what he needs. Thanks to the added tea tree oil, you can keep body odor at bay on even the hottest and sweatiest of days.

Another simple deodorant recipe that I like to make consists of only two ingredients, coconut oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. If you like the scent of sage, you can use a few drops of sage essential oil which works wonders at keeping body odor under control.

If you are looking for something that is even simpler than the choices above, give this a try. Slice a lemon in half and apply it to your underarms. The citrus is a great way to eliminate body odor. Avoid using this method if you have recently shaved your underarms though…it can sting! And remember to eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water. This will also help reduce body odor.

Click the images below to learn about making other natural body products:

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Have you ever made your own deodorant?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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