Homemade Sunscreen Recipes

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There is no need to slather your body with chemical filled sunscreen, instead, take a look at our list of homemade sunscreen recipes. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is so important, yet finding a way to do that without the use of chemicals and unnecessary additives can be tough. It does not need to be that way.

It is time to stop using the sunscreen you bought off the shelf. These homemade sunscreen recipes have you covered.

Homemade Sunscreen Recipes

Homemade Sunscreen Recipes

Homemade Sunscreen from Wellness Mama: I like this sunscreen recipe because it has a lot of optional ingredients. This comes in handy if you want to make your a version to suite your specific needs. This article also has a lot of information about the ingredients and how the specifically help protect against UV damage.

DIY Waterproof Sunscreen: Using this sunscreen will not only protect your skin but it will also keep it healthy. There are very simple ingredients such as vitamin E and Shea butter. These two ingredients are very healing products to include in your sunscreen. Another perk this homemade sunscreen recipe carries is that it is waterproof.

Homemade Face Sunscreen: If you are prone to acne, this sunscreen recipe is for you. For some, using coconut oil on your skin can clog pores. But you are in luck because this recipe does not call for coconut oil, which makes it the perfect sunscreen to use on your face.

Homemade Beach Cream: Here is a sunscreen recipe that utilizes the power of myrrh essential oil. I had no idea this essential oil has UV protection capabilities. Mixed with carrot seed essential oil, this homemade sunscreen recipe has a 28 SPF protection.

Whipped Coconut Oil Body Butter: You can get many uses out of this recipe. Not only is it a sunscreen, it also doubles as a healing ointment and a sunburn reliever. You can add some scent to this as well by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

DIY Sunscreen in a Pump: If you want a sunscreen that you place in a pump container, take a look at this recipe. The final product is smooth enough to make it through a pump without getting clogged. This is a great way to keep your sunscreen with you when you venture off to the beach or swimming pool.

To get started you can pick up the main ingredients for these recipes on Amazon. I have listed them here for your convenience.

Not only do store bought sunscreens have a ton of fillers and chemicals, the spray sunscreen lotions have another hidden danger. Their main ingredients have been shown to be hormone disruptors. Instead of exposing yourself and your loved ones, use these homemade sunscreen recipes instead.

What is your go to homemade sunscreen recipe? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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