Activity Jar: How to Beat Boredom + Free Printable

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Trying to keep 3 kids busy is a full time job (and so is blogging!).

Lately I’ve been super busy and the kids have been super crazy and life has been a bit rough. (did you see my no yelling challenge post?)

So we worked together to come up with 25 activities that THEY think are fun (and most are free too) and wrote them on sticks.

Each time they have a good day, or we just have a free extra hour, they can choose a stick out of the jar and we will do that activity.

It’s a fun way to let them have a little control over their lives and to remind me to be more present.

Kids Activity Jar : How to Beat Boredom | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

How to Beat Boredom

1. Read a book

2. Draw a picture

3. Play dinosaurs

4. Hunt for rocks

5. Feed the ducks

6. Play a game

7. Go on a picnic

8. Ride a bike

9. Go to the park

10 Go to the library

11. Play hide and seek

12. Play puzzles

13. Go outside

14. You choose dinner

15. Build a fort

16. Make cookies

17. Write a letter

18. Plant a seed

19. Play Legos

20. Play video game for 30 min

21. Watch a movie

22. Go on a hike

23. Write a story

24. Play Minecraft for 30 min

25. Play with a friend

This was just our list. Make sure that you involve your child in creating your own list so it’s something fun for them.

Also here’s a free printable for you to decorate your own activity jar.

Kids: Activity Jar Free Printable

Click here to download

How do you best beat boredom at your house?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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