How To Use Edible Images for Decorating a Cake

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Birthday parties are rough! You have what the kids has in their mind, what the parents have in their mind…and then what’s physically possible (and doesn’t cost a million dollars).

My kids are notorious for coming up with really random cake ideas…but I’ve discovered a way make everyone happy by using edible images to decorate a cake.

how to use edible images to decorate a cake

Edible Images Are Easy

As a mildly crafty mom of two young boys, I look at some of the birthday cakes out there and think, “I can do that!”

So about a year and half ago, I marched myself down to the local Hobby Lobby and signed myself up for a Wilton Cake Decorating class. Then when that finished, I took another…and another. It was a lot of fun (and got me out of the house) although I think I may have gained 5 lbs during this “cake” phase.

Last February was Connor’s 4th birthday. He was really into Diego and animals at the time so we decided to do a Diego themed birthday. There were some cake toppers out there, but I just couldn’t figure out what, exactly, would make us both happy.

Walmart, really?

Then I discovered that you could go to the Walmart bakery and have edible images printed on a sugar sheet for about $6. This seemed like the perfect plan. (Update – Walmart says they will no longer make these images…BUT Target will. So check with both.)

We scoured the web and found a cover of a Diego DVD that he liked, printed it out so that it was almost 8.5″ x 11″ and took it to Walmart. (I promise I don’t usually shop at Walmart and I will only send you there if it’s absolutely necessary!)

They printed it out and we brought it home. You do not need to store it in the fridge or freezer, but you will need to find a flat place to keep it until you need it.

What Do I Do Now?

When I was ready, I baked the cake (make sure you have the right size pan for the sugar sheet) and lightly frosted it.

I put the  sugar sheet in the freezer for 1 minute (really 1 minute). Then pulled it out and ran it down the edge of the counter top to help it dislodge from the backing. Then I pulled the backing off and placed it on the cake! Easy as pie…well cake.

I used my Wilton tip #233 to make the “grass” around the edges to cover up where the edible image stopped. Then I placed a Toob of animals around in the grass and a Diego candle!

I’m pretty proud of this cake. It looked nice and it was pretty easy to do!

Have you used an edible image before?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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