I Published Two Children’s Books Last Week!

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My First Two Books!

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to write children’s books.

As a teacher, I think this is always on your “bucket list” just because you spend sooo much time with children’s literature.

And as a mom, I’m always looking for cheap Kindle books that my kids will enjoy. I thought finding them would be easy, but it’s not.

So I decided to write my own!

These days, publishing your own book has gotten incredibly easy…well, ok easier!

I wanted to start with some simpler books so that I could learn all the software and techniques needed to publish a book.

I Love Horses

I Love Horses was the first book. I got the idea for this one at Connor’s horse back riding lessons.

I thought other children might be interested in learning about what it takes to ride a horse. So I took pictures of Connor at his lesson and put the pictures together with easy text that a beginning reader could read with minimal help.

I’ve had this book just kind of sitting around waiting for me to learn the publishing process for about 3 months.

Last week, I decided it was time to just buckle down and do it. (Which is why I didn’t post much on this blog last week!)

I watched a free webinar from Tony Laidig that gave me a lot of tips I needed (the rest I just Googled).

Farm Familiies Sample Page

Farm Families

The first book got me hooked.

So I thought I’d see if I could get my second book going.

Now that I had the code all figured out, the second book was even easier…except I needed to find the pictures for this second one…which was pretty easy too!

Farm Families is kind of a trivia book…the proper names of mommy, daddy and baby animals plus what you call each group.

The next book will be along these same lines, but it will be about zoo families.

I’ll let you know when the next one gets done.

I’m also working on some phonics readers that are decodable, but using Fry’s list of most common words plus word families.

Lots of fun things on the horizon that I hope to be sharing with y’all soon!

You can check out I Love Horses and Farm Families in the Amazon store!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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