Intention vs Perception

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I’ve had a sneaking suspicion since I started this blog that people don’t really understand what I’m trying to do with it.  I haven’t made my thoughts about the blog absolutely clear and therefore people have assumed the worst….that I’m just using this as another platform to sell games.

Of course, my SimplyFun business is part of this blog because it is part of my life.  I also truly believe that the company and their products are valuable and I want to be able to share them with people to help their children and families. But “selling” games is not the purpose of this blog. If I post something about a game, it is usually about the social, emotional or academic benefit that the game offers. It is a place to discuss ways to modify some of the games to make them more valuable to children and families in order to extend the play time of the game.  These are things that I don’t get to talk at length with people about at an event or party when I only have a minute to make an impression on people. So I want to use this blog as a way to help people use the games they have to the fullest extent possible.

Direct sales is a whole new field for me. I know that in the last 6 months I have made mistakes, but I have learned from them and gotten smarter from them. I have tried to study what other people are doing that works and incorporate that into my business. The Simply Business posts will have to do with what I’ve learned from my time in direct sales. Again I’m hoping that it can help others find ideas that they can immediately put into practice whether they are on my team or not.

I am trying to find a way to balance both my work and family needs. By having a home based business and a blog, I can try and carve out a niche for myself to have another career while staying home with my children. I know this isn’t the norm, but it is something that I deeply believe that I can do. The business and the blog give me the chance to connect with parents, teachers and kids while being available to my own children. It’s not right for everyone, but it is right for me.

Probably the biggest goal of this blog is to be a resource to moms, dads and teachers. As a teacher for 14 yrs, I worked with various populations and ages of students. I want to be able to offer my blog as a resource for people to get ideas of things to do with their children that are fun and educational. I want to do some of the work for people by assembling activities that they can immediately incorporate into their children’s lives and make them better and more fun.

Another aspect of this blog is to make book recommendations for both children and adults.  My last year and a half in the public school system was spent coaching teachers to use more interactive teaching strategies in reading. I learned so much and would like to use this blog as a platform to share some of that knowledge. I love to read and I want to share that love with others.

And finally my last purpose for this blog is to practice the art of blogging.  Blogging is something that, if done right, can touch thousands of lives. I could help many more teachers, parents and kids with a blog than I could as a classroom teacher. Also learning more about the crazy world of computers and the internet is something I know just enough about, but not too much. It’s a way for me to put into practice what I’m learning.

Hopefully I’ve been able to clear up my intentions for this blog. I want to help people and be a resource where people can find fun ways to help their children learn. If you ever have any questions about my intentions, please ask.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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