Kid Craft: Caterpillar

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Caterpillar Craft

The other day I received what my kids would call “fun” mail.

We got a big box filled with craft supplies from

Kid Craft: Caterpillar is filled with tons of ideas of projects for you and your kids. They even have some videos to help you get started if you need some inspiration (like I usually do).

I have a ton of great ideas of projects I want to do (and will post about in the future), but I decided to start with a caterpillar for this first project. It’s pretty much Spring here in Central TX and little critters will be emerging soon.

Kid Craft: Caterpillar

How To Make a Caterpillar:


3 pipe cleaners

2 googly eyes

3 foam balls

1 can of spray paint

6 pom poms

2 craft foam connectors

1 marker


1. Place foam balls in a cardboard box and spray paint them your color of choice

2. When they dry, use the craft foam connectors to hook the body together

3. Glue the pom poms down the caterpillars back

4. Glue googly eyes on

5. Cut 1 pipe cleaner in half. Twist both pieces around your finger to make them curly. Stick them in the “head” ball as antennae

6. Take the last 2 pipe cleaners and cut them each into 4 pieces (giving you a total of 8)

7. Place 2 pipe cleaners in each of the back 2 balls on both sides (4 total on each side of the caterpillar)

There you go. My kids want to make him into a butterfly, which would be easy enough with a little construction or tissue paper.

What other crafts could I make with my box o’craft supplies?

Disclaimer: I received a free box of craft supplies to help facilitate this post. All opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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