Kids in the Kitchen: Limeade

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Yesterday we went downtown to have lunch with my husband.

Downtown restaurants aren’t very kid friendly usually…but they were very nice and tried to accommodate us by making just plain cheese quesadillas.

Connor did choose to try the frog legs…so we let him. (We took a trip to Disney last Fall and discovered he likes mussels so we thought we’d let him try frog legs. He liked them!)

But when it comes to drinks, my kids are pretty picky. They HATE water, so I am always trying to find the right balance of water and juice in their drinks.

This restaurant didn’t have their favorite, lemonade, but offered limeade instead. So we gave it a try.

Evan took one drink and made the most horrific face!

And being the GREAT parent I am, I made him do it again so I could get it on video! LOL

I also came straight home and Googled the recipe so I could make it again!


3 limes

2/3 cup of sugar

2 quarts of water

Squeeze the limes in. Mix in the sugar and serve with ice.

Recipe from

Check out some of the other posts in the Kids in the Kitchen series by clicking on the image below.

Do your kids like limes?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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