Kids in the Kitchen: Making a Healthy Plate Activity

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Making a Healthy Plate Activity

Teaching kids about food groups and making a healthy plate is a big deal as a parent.

You want them to have a positive relationship with food and enjoy foods that are good for them…not always easy when I have one who will only eat hotdogs and chicken nuggets.

Making a Healthy Plate Activity

I thought maybe a food sorting activity would help me teach them what they’re supposed to have on their plates and how to categorize each of the foods.

First I went to the USDA Choose My Plate site and downloaded a copy of their place mat graphic.

Then we pulled out all of our play food and sorted it into groups.

Finally, I let them choose foods from each group to make up their healthy plate.

Their Thoughts

They thought I was a little crazy for making them stop playing Legos to dig through our food bins, but they played along…for 5 min.

We had a good discussion about the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. They also can now tell you what the word dairy means.

I’m not sure I convinced them that they need to have all those components to build a healthy plate…three times a day, but it was a good start.

We also talked about how donuts and french fries don’t fit on that plate and how they are just treats that you can have once in a while…I’m certain they didn’t buy that.

But I’m happy that we got the conversation started. Hopefully it’s just the first of many.

Check out what else is going on with Kids in the Kitchen by clicking this image below.

How do you get your kids to make healthy choices?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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