Kids in the Kitchen: Picnic in the Park

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Picnic in the Park

So what do you do after you’ve screamed your head off at the doctor’s office because of the last vaccination you need before entering Kindergarten?

You go through Schlotsky’s drive thru and head to the park for a picnic!

It’s been a very mild May here in central Texas and this week we had lots of rain that made the days nice and comfortable.

Feeding the Fish

I’d also managed to completely clean out the freezer the day before and collected all the ends of loaves that I had stockpiled for us to feed the ducks.

Unfortunately, there were no ducks, but we did get to feed some fish.

It was just nice to take some time to just hang out together and do something a little different.

I HIGHLY recommend it!

And before you go on a picnic, you can check out the other posts in the Kids in the Kitchen series by clicking on the image:


When was the last time you had a picnic with your kids?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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