Kids in the Kitchen: Vegetable Puree

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Vegetable Puree

In my continued quest to get my kids to eat more vegetables, I’ve started to make vegetable puree to hide in their food (and mine).

This week I pureed some organic spinach that we got at the Pfarmers Market last week.

How to Puree Spinach

First I washed it.

Next I folded it over and cut the stems off.

Then I put it in a microwave safe dish and with a little water and microwaved it for 90 seconds.

Then I used my cool Magic Bulletto puree it.

Finally I poured the pureed mix into an ice cube tray and stuck it in the freezer over night.

The next morning I popped them out and put them in a baggie and back in the freezer. This allows me to grab just a bit each time I need it.

These can be added to smoothies, muffins or even brownies without anyone being the wiser that they’ve just gotten a serving of green veggies!

Check out some of the other posts in the Kids in the Kitchen series by clicking the image below.

It’s also a great way to make fresh baby food if you need that!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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