How Do You Know If You’re Going Into Ketosis?

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Or this video ->How to Eat Out and Stick to Keto

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Hey. It’s Sarah, your weight loss and wellness coach, and today I wanted to talk about how you know if you’re in ketosis? I get that question a lot. People come into my office every week or two to get on the scale, and I can see what their body fat percent is, their water weight, their muscle mass, and their overall weight and see if they’re burning fat. If they’re burning fat and the fat mass is going down, then I know that they are in ketosis, right? But what if you don’t have a $3,000 scale or a health coach near you that can help you through this? How are you going to know?

Well, you can get a scale that can tell you the body fat and water weight and muscle mass and all of those things so that you can be monitoring that weekly on your own. I wouldn’t recommend getting on a scale more than once a week. There are some definite signs and symptoms to help you know you’re going into ketosis. I know that if I have something that’s higher in carbs, then about 48 hours later, I will be peeing a lot, because the sugars are stored with water. Once you’re burning off that glycogen, the water’s all going to come out, drop your insulin levels. The water all comes out.

Once I start peeing a lot, I know I’m going into ketosis. Also I may get kind of a funky taste in my mouth. I know I’m going into ketosis. My brain kind of clears. I feel a lot more energy, I know that I’m fat burning, I know that my body’s using those ketones.

There are keto strips that you can pee on, and honestly, I have never even used those before. I think that from my understanding, if you’re using the ketones then you’re not going to be peeing them out, so the strips really aren’t too helpful while you’re in ketosis. They can help you figure out going in and out of ketosis.

There are blood glucose monitors. I have one called Keto-Mojo where I can do my blood glucose and my ketones, so that’s a great way. Measuring your blood to find out your ketones is a great way to know if you’re in ketosis, and there’s also breath ones you can blow into that will tell you kind of how much acetone you’re giving off, so there’s different things that you can do to measure your ketones to see if you’re going into ketosis, but there are also just symptoms.

Know your body and figure out what it’s trying to tell you. Oh, I’ve got that funky taste in my mouth, oh I was just peeing a lot. Yeah, here I go. I’m going into fat burning mode, and then figure it out. I didn’t even monitor anything with my ketones for probably at least six months. I just happened to be at a conference and they were like, “Here blow into this.” That was the first time I ever had done anything monitoring my ketones, and yet I’d lost 20 pounds. It’s not necessary that you monitor your ketones. It is interesting. It’s fun to kind of play with, but definitely know what your signs and symptoms are of your body going into ketosis, and you will be good to go. All right, have a great day. Thanks.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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