Laundry Room Organization

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Laundry seems to be something that is a source of daily frustration for us! It continues to pile up…whether it’s clean or dirty.

We had been using the bed in the spare room as the laundry folding table and that was driving me crazy. I’m trying to be good about COMPLETELY doing one load of laundry each day….wash to fold….but I needed a better system of sorting the clean laundry. (Because piling it into piles on the bed and then having the kids come in and play in it and knock it all to the floor so that you then had to fold it all over again…is kind of annoying.)

I was looking around on Pinterest and I found Ana White’s Laundry Basket Dresser. (If you haven’t been to Ana White’s blog before, you MUST go! It’s a DIY dream and she does it all from Alaska! AMAZING!)

I thought, “I bet Dave (my husband) could build me something like that.” So I talked to him about it and we went back and forth about what it needed to look like to fit our house, our family and our needs.

We decided that we needed a basket for each member of the family and one for the towels too…so that’s at least 6 baskets already just for clean laundry. Then we also needed to have room for our dirty laundry baskets…three more. We needed a structure that held NINE baskets, but was thin enough to fit into our big, but narrow laundry room!

We finally agreed on this….

laundry basket organizer
Laundry Basket Organizer

It’s not completely perfect, but it DOES work! We have room to fold, plus I put a little basket on top for all the socks so they can be sorted separately. I still need to put something up to hang stuff on, so it’s not completely done. (Sorry…didn’t notice the fuzzy dog tail right in the middle at the bottom until after I cropped it and loaded it!)

I’m going to call this one a Pinterest SUCCESS. What do you think?

PS – Have you seen the site  The tagline is “where good intentions come to die.” It’s pretty funny with pics of failed Pinterest projects.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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