Lego YouTube Channel

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Part of building a blog is checking out other blogs and learning from them.

The other day I came across a great blog, Simply Budgeted, where they had a review of the Lego YouTube Channel.

As you know from my post about the Lego City Comic Builder earlier this week, my kids are ADDICTED to Legos…esp the City ones.

I made the mistake of showing them this new Lego Channel on YouTube.

And as you can guess…that’s all they want to do now.

We discovered that our recent switch to DIRECTV allows us to play YouTube videos on our TV. So the boys are able to watch their Lego movies on the full screen instead of crowding around the computer.

I didn’t think it was possible, BUT they are even more addicted now that they can watch Lego movies too.

Another bonus of using the Lego Channel is that you don’t have to worry about “other” things popping up on the side bar that your kids could see or worse click on. These are all Lego videos, all the time.

Check it out the Lego Channel




PS – This DIRECTV link is a personal referral link. We have had DIRECTV for about a month and are really enjoying some of the extras so I thought I’d share a link in case you are interested. You can get some great deals and hopefully this link will give you (and me) a $100 credit.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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