Letting My Crazy Show

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I have worked with kids full time since 1994 – that’s the last 20 years.

I have raised two biological boys who are now 5 and 6.

This little girl (and the fact that I’ve entered menopause at the same time) have driven me to THE BRINK in the last year.

Last week though – we both let our crazy show…and it wasn’t pretty.

Letting My Crazy Show | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

For the two weeks prior to what is now called “The Incident”,  Maddi had become increasingly difficult each day.

She’d throw raging tantrums for a minimum of 45 min each day over minuscule issues.

If you asked her to put on her shoes…and she didn’t feel like it…rage.

If you walked down the stairs in front of her…rage.

Her daily therapy time grew harder and harder because of these fits.

Finally last Friday…we both snapped!

She tried to take one of Evan’s new toys into school with her. I said no. She lost it (and by “it” I mean her ever-lovin mind).

I had to pry the toy out of her hand and then she refused to get out of the car.

I set her on the sidewalk. Then held her hand and she walked 4 steps before throwing herself on the ground screaming again.

I picked her up – football style – and walked her into the school. I found a corner and set her there…at home she sits in the corner for Time Out aka Maddi’s Corner.

She was LIVID at this point and screaming her head off. Her teacher (who thinks she’s the sweetest child ever) couldn’t believe the noise that was coming out of her.

After about 5 min, I looked outside and saw Evan out there crying. He hadn’t heard me say go inside (over the screaming) and was left alone out there for 5 min.

And that’s when my CRAZY came out!

I picked her up and ran outside. A teacher had found him by then and was already walking him to class.

I was enraged because her histrionics had now affected him and made him feel that I left him and wasn’t coming back.

I ran inside after them and saw the director. I asked if I could sit Maddi on the ground there and go to Evan.

Maddi FLIPPED HER SH!T then and started screaming and kicking and hitting. The director tried to run over (I’m sure thinking it was just that she didn’t want to come to school) and I screamed, “DON’T TOUCH HER!” LOL

I didn’t want anyone giving her positive attention for this horrific fit that was all over a toy…that wasn’t even hers!

I picked her back up and set her outside Evan’s class. She refused to stay put and was screaming.

I walked out, picked her up and took her outside. She was screaming soooooo much and now trying to claw my eyes out. I was pretty sure the cops would be coming soon.

I shoved her in her carseat and let her scream in the car while I cried and called my husband and my friend.

It took an hour start to finish, but I got her to stop and took her back inside.

Then I had to go back and pick her up!

It completely ruined my day. It was all I could do to go back and pick her up, but I figured she’d already had her rager for the day and hoped the rest of the day would be ok.


I had to physically restrain her during her therapy time…which is NOT easy.

She hasn’t thrown a fit since, but I think maybe it’s because she’s still recovering and building up more steam.

I was totally embarrassed. But I get so tired of her being a little terrorist that I just couldn’t let her get away with it this time – esp with Evan’s birthday present.

Have you ever let your crazy show in public?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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