Maddi is 3!

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OK…so I know you know that she turned 3 two months ago, but cut me some slack!

So let’s go back…we planned this super cute Sophia the First tea party birthday party and invited her friends to come celebrate…and two days before, she got sick..then Connor got sick…so we postponed the party to the next weekend (which was good because we ended up having ice on the roads that morning any way).

Then two days before our 2nd try at a party…Evan got sick…so we canceled the party. Poor thing has never had a birthday party…BUT….one of her little friends had a birthday party and she thinks it was hers so I say WIN!

I'm 3 Now

It’s Been 18 Months

Maddi has been home for 18 months today…which means in June, she will have lived in Texas as long as she lived in China.

She goes to school 5 days a week and LOVES school. She’s one of those kids that needs to be out of the house…and we get along much better now that she is! LOL

Speaking of getting along…we still have our struggles, but most of the time she does pretty well. She’s got a STRONG personality and wants to be in the middle, and in control, of every situation. Most of our fights are over who’s the Mommy…and finding her currency sometimes can be difficult, but after a few tries I usually hit on something that convinces her to see things my way.

Of course she is SUPER good at school and her teachers think I’m crazy…but I guess that’s good.

The end of this month is the one year anniversary of her second surgery.  Last summer was horrific, but I’m so glad to say that our trip to CO last August really helped to start us on the road to getting our lives back. (If you missed the posts on that trip, here’s the first one and here’s the second.)

That trip helped but we still struggled…until January. And then somehow I stumbled upon something that worked…almost every single day. And finally we were able to stop wondering and actually KNOW that we are on the right track for her.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s still not easy, but it’s become routine (and she gets to watch Netflix for 1.5 hours a day so her English improves daily).

Maddi - full size

She’s Growing

In the last 18 months she’s gained 10 pounds and grown 5.5 inches! She’s a giant compared to what she was when she came home! She can actually almost wear a 3T now…although she refuses to wear any dresses – or anything I pick out for that matter. I do still get the bow in her hair most days so I’ll just have to settle for that.

Her favorite phrase is “I do it myself!” and her favorite toys are anything her brothers have in their hands. She loves Sophia the First and Frozen, but it’s pretty much just because she knows it annoys her brothers.

She loves to shop, anything sparkly, and even told me today, “I don’t like you.” She’s 3 going on 23!

But all in all, pretty normal.

Sorry it’s taken sooo long to get this up! I promise I was waiting for this school picture to come in!

And be sure to come back next week…I had a SUPER cool experience you’ll want to hear about!

Thank you for keeping up with us!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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