Maddi is Starting to Talk

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This past weekend Maddi really starting trying to say words and getting pretty close to getting quite a few right.

She’s been off her pain meds for a few days, so I thought it was time to start leaving the pacifier in bed again…and it’s paying off with more words!

She REALLY likes apple juice these days. On Friday she figured out how to say it and wandered around for at least an hour just saying “Apple Juice”.

This video shows off some of her new talent.



We got some bad news on Friday.

We went to the surgeon and he said that he didn’t like the look of part of the surgery and wanted to go back in for an exploratory surgery under anesthesia on Tuesday (tomorrow).

It was quite a blow…esp since I’ve just gotten her to…almost…sleeping through the night again and off pain meds.

I’m hoping that it’s just a few stitches…she probably pulled them escaping from her enclosure!

Please keep your fingers crossed that it’s something simple and we can stay on schedule with the next surgery in 2 months (and not have to repeat any of them).

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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