Maddi’s 2nd Birthday aka Operation Lego Retrieval

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We had our second birthday for the month this week. Maddi turned two this past Tuesday! Yay!

We had kind of a busy day so we didn’t do a party (she doesn’t really have any friends yet) and I had been sick so I didn’t even do a birthday cake…but hopefully she won’t mind.

She did get to wear a new dress (the child LOVES clothes and shoes…and now bows too)!

Maddi is 2

We spent the morning at a new play place called Toybrary Austin (watch for an amazing giveaway in a few weeks) with some of our friends.

Maddi is a bee

Then after picking up the boys, both Connor and Maddi had well checks. That took a long time to catch the pediatrician up on all of the surgeries, medicines, continuing therapies and future surgeries.

Then while she was doing the physical exam she said, “There’s something up her nose.” I, of course, have been so focused on her other end that I had no idea. She tried and tried to get it to come out, but couldn’t. So we had to make an appt to see the ENT for the following day (bringing our dr visit to a total of 3 for this week).

Then we met Nora and family at a local restaurant to celebrate Maddi’s birthday dinner with noodles and smiley faced french fries.

Operation Lego Retrieval

On Wednesday, the only time we could get in with the ENT was at 3pm, so I had to pick Connor up from school early to take all three kids (again) to the dr’s office.

While in the waiting room, a woman walked by whom I immediately recognized as the parent of a former student. She recognized me too and came to say hi.

She left, but came back to tell me what a large influence I had had on her son as his First Grade teacher and how thankful she was for that time (he’s now 16). It was so sweet!

Then we went in for what will now be called Operation Lego Retrieval. (When the object was first noticed…I knew immediately it was a Lego.)

And indeed it was…the perfect nostril shaped Lego. No idea how long it had been up there…less than a month since I’m guessing they’d have noticed it in the surgery.

This child is a whole lotta handfuls!

Tomorrow we go see the surgeon and continue the daily therapy until he says she’s ready for her colostomy closure procedure (which should be late April/early May). Until then, we just try to keep her alive and out of trouble…a BIG job that’s for sure!

Has your child ever put something up their nose?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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