Maddi’s 2nd Care Package

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Maddi's 2nd Care Package

Maria’s Big House of Hope

Since mailing our first care package to Maddi, we’ve discovered that she is actually in a center called Maria’s Big House of Hope.

From what I’ve learned, MBHOH is actually the flagship center for a foundation called Show Hope. This explains the excellent level of care and amazing health that Maddi seems to have.

I have a US contact that tells me that once our adoption is official and Maddi is back at home with us, she will be able to send us all of the photos and videos they have of her entire stay there…basically her whole life.

This is a massive gift and I am so grateful that there are such thoughtful people out there in the world…and they are caring for my baby.

Here’s a video from 2009 (when the center opened) to give you a little more information:


 Maddi’s 2nd Care Package

This whole care package thing is kind of crazy because it’s mostly just a wish.

I have no idea if she actually got the first one that I spent so much time assembling.

My contact at Show Hope told me that there will be a medical team going to MBHOH this coming weekend and that if we wanted, they could take another care package to her.


But…they will NOT be able to tell us if they are actually able to deliver it to her. Ugghh! The rules!

So I sent a small care package with some onsies, a sock monkey and some snacks (this one had to fit in a gallon sized bag).

Hopefully she’ll get it!

Update on the Process

We are still waiting.

China updated their computer system and were supposed to have it up and running on June 1st. It’s July 18th and they are still claiming “computer issues” when asked why things are backed up.

And guess which part of the system they are having the most difficulty with?

Yep…the one we need next called the LOA (Letter of Acceptance).

Today is day 43 in the wait…which seems horrible.


there are people who have been waiting over 100 days for their LOA.

And that’s not the piece of paper that says we can travel.

It’s at least 3 months after receiving LOA before you actually get Travel Approval.

This is a helpless process. There is nothing more I can do to speed up this process.

On an Up Note

Amazingly, I have met someone online who is a friend of a friend here in town…

who is using the same agency as we are…

whose soon to be daughter is in the same center as Maddi…

whose daughter is 4 days older than Maddi…

whose daughter has the same need as Maddi!

Isn’t that amazing?

I am so glad that I will have someone who will understand EXACTLY what I’m going through.

Our paperwork is a little bit ahead of theirs, but these days…you just never know…maybe we’ll get to travel together.

It’s the little things like this that keep me sane these days!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed that our LOA comes soon!

P2L Signature


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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