We Made It To China!

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adoption trip to China

It was a LONG 24 hours but we’re in the hotel.

We didn’t have any trouble with the flight, but when  we got to Beijing only Nora’s bag made the trip. ( After all the drama of finding the right bag and packing it all in there…it decides it likes Seattle and wants to stay.)

So after fighting with the other passengers to report my bag lost…we took the 45 min trip to downtown Beijing to our hotel.

We immediately ran into a couple that is adopting from Henan so we’ve made friends already.

7-11 in China

We propbably made some enemies too…the lady at the 7-11 across the street wouldn’t take our credit cards or American money. We were starved, horribly thirsty and serious tired. We tredged back to the hotel and exchanged some money (not a simple process for some reason) and then went back to 7-11.

Tomorrow, Friday, we will got to Tiennamen  Square and the Forbidden City. Then on Saturday we do the tour of the Great Wall.

Can’t wait to see the city in the light of day.

Our guide says that there are about 30 million people that live here…and it’s the 2nd largest city in China! Yikes!

Can’t wait to take some more pictures and share them with y’all!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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