We Made It Home!

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It was a seriously LONG trip home, but we made it.

We had three flights to get home. She did really well on the first one…at 7:30am. Then we got to Shanghai and got on our 12 hour flight to LAX.

That flight was ROUGH and that’s a serious understatement.

She didn’t sleep much and screamed for the first hour off and on. We were the people you don’t want to have on the plane with you.

Eventually we made it to LAX. We had been told that it could be rough getting through immigration there, but we were pulled out of line immediately and sent to the correct place…where no one else was waiting. We were able to get through immigration, get our bags, recheck them, get through security again in 40 minutes! It was amazing!

Maddi is a citizen

Here’s her first picture as a US citizen.

We made it!

We survived! It was pretty funny…we got on the plane from LAX to Austin and all three just passed out. The flight only took 2.5 hrs, instead of 3 and I think we slept for at least 2 hours. The flight attendant was an adoptive mom and even knew of the foundation that sponsored Maddi’s orphanage. It was nice to feel understood on that last leg.

first photo with Daddy

We got home at 6pm so that gave us a little time to get to know Daddy and big brothers. Connor gets to be the star of the week at school next week so we had to work on his poster…right then!

first Mexican food

Then in Saturday she got her first Mexican food. She likes cheese quesadillas. I’ve also been able to get some oatmeal and a little almond milk in her…this is huge since she eats very little that isn’t considered a snack food.

Last night was rough though.

I’ve been putting her in the crib here at home…we need to get her on a schedule quickly since she’s been off of it for the last 2 weeks.

She did great the first few times, but she was the definition of night terror last night. Screaming and throwing a fit…even though she was tired. Throwing her pacifier out of the crib and then screaming for it.

I discovered with my first kid that I’m not a good night time parent…and when I’ve had 5 hours sleep in the last 60 hours…I’m not so nice.

After quite a few hours of the battle of the wills in the middle of the night…she finally passed out at 2:30am (which made me awake for another straight 24 hour period).

Hopefully tonight goes better.

The boys are going to Boo at the Zoo where they get to wear their costumes to the Austin Zoo…but Maddi and I are staying home and, fingers crossed, sleeping!


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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