Mommy Summer Camp Week 5 – Space Activities

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I hope you enjoyed our Week 1 Pirate Activities , Week 2 Dinosaur Activities , Week 3 Bug Activities and Week 4 Wild West Activities.

Mommy Summer Camp Week 5 -SpaceActivities | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

Space Activities

Craft Ideas

 Handprint Sun – No Time for Flashcards has a cute craft with a paper plate and cut out hand prints.

 Playdoh Planets – Childhood Beckons has some fun playdoh planets and a space toob that she says gave her son hours of fun!

Paint Your Own Space Magnets – These Colorbok magnets are a great afternoon craft project that will give years of memories.


 Cookie Phases of the Moon – Teach Mama has a whole list of activities to learn about the phases of the moon…but I’m guessing the oreos are gonna be the best part of this activity.

 Astronaut Ice Cream – Who doesn’t want to try some real astronaut food? Be sure and order this a few days early so you have it ready for your space unit.

Solar System Snacks – Creative Kid Snacks has an amazing solar system snack plate that your kids will love!

Outdoor Play

 Alka Seltzer Rockets – This looks like a TON of fun! You can find directions on Playful Learning.

Paper Tube Telescope – Kids Activities Blog has a fun craft/activity for kids to create a telescope and then use it to look at some constellation maps. You can also use them to look at the stars to see if you can identify any of the real constellations.

Solar Cookout – Check Scholastic’s ideas for a solar cookout and let your kids’ imaginations run wild with what they might be able to cook.

Indoor Play

Planetary “Roll” Call – This activity on I Was Wondering uses toilet paper sheets to show the distance each planet is from the sun. What a great way to make it “real” for the kids! Can’t wait to do this one!

Space Printable Pack – 3 Dinosaurs has a Space Pack for kids from 2-7 with over 100 pages in it! Again…she’s ROCKS!

Astronauts to Earth Game – Mama Jenn has a cute game that’s perfect for some quiet time fun.

Field Trip

We don’t have a planetarium in Austin, but there’s one about an hour up the road in Kileen called the Mayborn Planetarium & Science Theater. I think this would be a great field trip and not too far away.

Pinterest Space Board

Hopefully all these fun space activities will give you hours of play. Click the Pinterest Board to find MANY more.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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