Monday Mingle #14

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Even though I’m a little late to the party (what happened to #1-13 I’m sure you are asking yourself), I wanted to jump in on the Monday Mingle Business Edition that Lynsey Jones, The Party Plan Coach , does on her blog.

She got the idea from Jennifer at Eighty MPH Mom. Basically they ask 3 questions that you answer on your own blog and then link it back here in the comments section.

So, the questions for week #14 are: What is your favorite quote? Who wrote it or said it? Why is it significant to you?

“Life is not a destination. Life is a journey. As long as you continue on the journey, you will always be a success.”
– Albert Camus

I remember finding this quote as a Senior in college. I wrote it down and kept it posted in my classroom (my former life as a teacher) for many years. I think it’s how I approach life. When I meet a goal, I don’t stop. I set a new goal and continue down the road to success. I feel that starting my own home-based business is definitely a journey. I can see down the road and see many good things to come. I know there will bumps along the way, but with determination and willpower, I will always be a success because I continue the journey.


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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