Moscato Slushie

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This post originally ran in June 2013.

I have discovered my new summer drink – a Moscato Slushie!

I must admit that I like Moscato (in moderation, of course…wink, wink) so I don’t usually mix it with anything, but this little experiment was too good not to share.

Moscato Slushie - The perfect summer drink recipe.

Over Memorial Day 2013, we were invited to a party where they were serving strawberry daiquiris. They were yummy, but a little strong so I tried to cut mine with some lemonade that was sitting out too.

Unfortunately, or not, it wasn’t lemonade. It was some kind of wine drink that obviously didn’t work to help me cut the potency of the drink!

So the next afternoon, I thought I’d try my hand at making my own “lemonade.”

Moscato Slushie - this light sumer drink is perfect for warm nights and picnics.

 Update 5/13/2015 – 

This original drink (pictured above) I made with raspberry lemonade frozen concentrate and Fresca. I decided to try and streamline it a bit and remake it with strawberries this year. Either way is good…and you can try them all too!

Moscato Slushie

Moscato Slushie

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 5-6


  • 1 bottle Moscato wine
  • 1 11.5 ounce Welch's Strawberry Breeze frozen concentrate
  • 11.5 ounces lemon lime seltzer


  1. Allow frozen concentrate to thaw.
  2. Mix all ingredients together.
  3. Fill glass half way with crushed ice.
  4. Pour moscato mix over ice.
  5. Serve with strawberry slices.
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This is an amazingly fresh and light drink. I chose to do strawberry, but you could choose any version of frozen concentrate you like and match the fruit to your drink. You will be the ultimate hostess when you serve it in a beautiful pitcher with floating fruit!

Have you ever had a wine slushie?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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