My First Day Alone with 3 Kids

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My First Day Alone with 3 Kids

Tuesday was my first day alone with them.

Luckily my mom stayed a few extra days after we got home from China and then my husband took a few days off. So my first official day as “Mom of 3” didn’t come until Tuesday.

And I’ll admit, Connor goes to Kindergarten and Evan goes to school from 9am-2pm on Tues/Thurs…so it was mostly just me and Maddi until 2pm.

But let me tell you that the sh!t hit the fan at 2:48pm when Connor came out of school.

He was off his rocker right out of the gate. He had gotten a purple star in class (they get to move up if they’re good), but he rocketed to the basement of his behavior chart in the 15 min. it took us to get to the car.

Plus, although Maddi was the only one home with me all day, she decided to have a “day”. She decided that it would be a great day to throw herself kicking and screaming to floor every time she didn’t get what she wanted or I didn’t get it to her fast enough.

I’m going to guess she did this at least 6 times throughout the day with the longest one lasting over 15 minutes. The boys were ready to sell her at this point because they couldn’t hear the Jake & the Neverland Pirates episode they were trying to watch.

Her best performance though was when she decided to just throw herself backwards…on the tile floor of the kitchen…and landed on the poor unsuspecting Schnauzer.

I totally deserve an award for not laughing at that one.

Anyway, each time she did this I turned my back and walked away. Guess who hasn’t thrown a fit since? At least the girl learns fast!

Thank Goodness for Friends

So some of my very kind friends have started bringing us meals to help us get through the transition…thank goodness.

Luckily, Tuesday was one of the meal days.

The poor girl comes to the door to deliver the meal and…

Maddi is screaming, Connor is laughing maniacally and Evan is walking around crying, holding his butt…oh and I think the phone was ringing.

Needless to say, when Dave came home…

I poured myself a glass of wine and locked myself in my room!

Wednesday went better, but only because I threatened Connor! LOL

Parenting isn’t pretty sometimes!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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