N Austin Just Between Friends Sale – October 18-19 {Giveaway}

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JBF N Austin Oct 18-19

Are you like me and have piles upon piles of baby clothes, toys and gear just sitting in closets because you have no idea what to do with it?

Lucky for you, we have a Just Between Friends  sale  here in N Austin coming soon! JBF is a maternity and children’s consignment sale that happens each Spring and Fall.

Our Just Between Friends sale is in the N. Austin/Pflugerville area on October 18-19 at the Pflugerville Lion’s Club.

There’s also pre-sale on Thursday, Oct. 17 from 6-8pm for consignors, volunteers, military families, teachers and first time parents.

Friday, October 18th the hours are 10am – 7pm ($2 admission) and Saturday, October 19th the hours are 7am -3pm with free admission PLUS items with NO star are 1/2 price…making them an amazing deal!

Five Tips For Shopping the Best Brands in Children’s Consignment in a Bad Economy

1. Know your children’s measurements. Bargains are only wonderful when the items you purchase can be worn by your family. Take a tape measure with you to shop and jot down the measurements before you leave the house. Trace your kiddos’ feet and cut out the outlines to use when buying shoes.

2. Know what your kids NEED. Make a list of what your family needs before you go shopping. Shoppers can get overwhelmed by colors, fun fashions and the sheer amount of items for sale and walk out without purchasing the items their children really needed for the next season.

3. Know the value of the items you are shopping for. $15 for a five-piece outfit may seem high to some mommies, but when you know that ensemble cost around $75 new, you would be tickled to find it for such a great price. Likewise, a used item for $4 that you can purchase in the store for $4.50 may not be that great of a deal.

4. Free up your calendar to spend some time shopping. Because consignment sales events do not have limited numbers of a few items, but a few items of almost unlimited items, getting to each rack, table and bin can take some time. Try not to be rushed and, if at all possible, leave your children at home so you can enjoy your shopping experience.

5. Volunteer. Yes, volunteer at Just Between Friends and you will earn the privilege of shopping the sale before the public, with only a limited number of other volunteers. The more you are able to volunteer, the earlier you shop. Everyone is invited to volunteer.

Are you ready to get tagging and shopping?

One lucky ready will win a $10 gift certificate to use at the sale plus 2 early shopping passes (you get first dibs on Thursday)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So…what will you be looking for at the JBF sale?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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