Natural Cough Remedies

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It is almost inevitable that at least one member of my family has a cough during the winter. Dry throats and cold symptoms make for a miserable hack that can cause even more problems like headaches and body aches.

So this year instead of filling our bodies with over the counter cough medicines that do not work, we’re going to try some of these natural cough remedies instead.

Natural Cough Remedies - Before reaching for over-the-counter cough medicines, try some of the natural remedies .

Natural Cough Remedies

Peppermint Essential Oil: This is my go to essential oil for coughs and colds. It has offered much relief during some restless and miserable nights for both me and my kids.

There are several different ways you can use peppermint essential oil to relieve a cough. Add several drops to the humidifier medicine cup if there is one, if not place several drops in the humidifier water itself.

Mix 1/2 cup coconut oil with 8 drops of peppermint oil to make your own vapo rub. I rub it on the bottom of my feet as well as my chest. Love this stuff.

Pineapple: There is an enzyme in pineapple that helps soothe throat irritations and also helps eliminate that pesky cough.

If you cannot find any fresh pineapple, start with an organic pineapple juice such as Lakewood Pure Pineapple. Avoid using the juice out of canned pineapple. It can be full of sugar and that is something you want to avoid while battling an illness.

Honey: Yes, I know, honey seems to be the catch all fix for a lot of different issues, but that is because it really does work. The key is to choose a local, organic honey and avoid the corn syrup filled bears that line the grocery store shelves.

At my local health food store, they sell local honey all year around. If you can stand the heat add a dash of cayenne pepper to a spoonful of honey. It can really help get rid of the phlegm that causes so many coughs.

Steam: Taking a hot shower or letting your humidifier run around the clock can really help ease coughing. The steam is very soothing.

Turn on the shower and drop a few drops of peppermint essential oil (another great way to use one of my favorite oils!) in the corner of the shower. This also works really well for my kids when they get caught up in a coughing fit. They do not even need to get in the shower, just close the door to the bathroom and let them breath in the steam.

Tea: Brewing a pot of Peppermint Tea (are you noticing the trend yet?) or anything warm is a great way to get instant relief. You can also brew herb teas or even warm water with a little lemon and honey will go a long way. The only thing I would suggest avoiding in your warm beverage is milk as it can agitate a cough.

You can also use this Homemade Natural Spicy Cider Decongestant and Expectorant to help rid your body of phlegm that causes so many coughs.

And if the cough is causing a sore throat, try some of my natural remedies for sore throats.

What natural cough remedies do you use when you get stuck with a cough? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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