Natural Pet Care Tips

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We strive to take care of ourselves naturally, but what about our pets? Don’t you want what’s best for them? There are so many ways you can take care of your pets naturally. Whether you prevent fleas naturally or cure an upset tummy, you can use these natural pet care tips to ensure better health for your pets.

Natural Pet Care Tips

Natural Pet Care Tips

Herbs for Pets

This article offers an amazing list of herbs to grow for pets along with their great uses. We all know the healing and preventive power of herbs. Why not use them for your pets? These can be grown in your herb garden and used to treat everything from wounds to gas. It doesn’t get any more natural than this.

Homemade Flea Prevention Dog Treats

Fleas are certainly something you want to prevent. They can be pure misery for your pet. Unfortunately, many medical flea treatments can be dangerous. Some dogs can have extreme reactions that can lead to death. If you want to keep your pets safe, consider a natural alternative. The best part of about this treatment is that it’s also a treat.

Healing Mush for an Upset Stomach 

An upset stomach can be horrible for you and your pet. The mess created by a vomiting dog that also has loose bowel movements is not fun for any owner. Eating a bland diet can help ease an upset stomach. This article gives three options for creating a meal that your dog will be able to stomach.

25 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs 

Did you know that the benefits of apple cider vinegar extends to dogs? It’s true. In fact, the benefits are numerous. From treating itchy paws to arthritis, ACV isn’t just something to use for your own natural remedies.

Essential Oil Dog Ear Wash Spray for Ear Infections

This article gives a detailed explanation of ear infections in dogs and how you can use essential oils to treat them. If any of the symptoms listed are plaguing your pet, consider making this all natural ear wash spray to treat the infection. Be sure to follow the directions exactly.

There are several natural pet care tips that can not only help prevent problems in your pets, but treat them as well. Whether you want to prevent fleas or treat an ear infection, these tips will help you keep your pet healthy naturally.

What are your favorite natural pet care tips?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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