Natural Remedies for Ear Infections

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Ear infections are no fun. They are painful and sometimes they do not react to what the doctor prescribes. There are some natural remedies for ear infections that you can administer at home.

Please keep in mind that there is a time that going to the doctor is important, however. A fever over 102 degrees or worsening symptoms of a cough, runny nose and ear pain necessitates a visit to the doctor. Especially if those symptoms present themselves in children. For minor earaches that present themselves in adults, these natural remedies should help relieve some pain and discomfort.

Natural Remedies for Ear Infections

Natural Remedies for Ear Infections

Olive Oil

This is the first remedy I turn to when an ear ache strikes. It is safe to use on children. Simply warm some olive oil and put a few drops into the aching ear. Cover with a cotton ball and let it sit for a few minutes. Wax buildup can cause some ear infections. This technique can help remove the wax and keep the ear clean. It can also help soothe the pain caused by ear infections.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for many, many years for health and the treatment of illnesses. To treat ear infections massage essential oils around the ear in the neck and jaw area. This should help encourage natural drainage of the ears. Some great examples of oils for this purpose are thyme, lavender, and oregano essential oils. Keep in mind that some essential oils should not be used on children. (This is a great article about using essential oils on children.) You might also want to be using a carrier oil such as coconut oil to apply essential oils. This technique helps avoid adverse skin reactions from using a straight dose of essential oils.


There are muscles around the lymph nodes under the ears that help with proper drainage of the ears. If these muscles are not working for any reason it can lead to an ear infection. Massaging the area in a downward motion can help to facilitate the proper function of the muscles. Combining this treatment with the essential oils is a great idea. You may do this yourself or even go into your favorite chiropractor.

Elderberry Soup

Elderberry soup is used for its immune system boosting properties as well as its track record for being an effective antiviral remedy. You can make your own or buy it from most co-ops. It even tastes pretty good. Kind of like a smoothie. Be careful not to drink too much as it has the potential to cause gastrointestinal problems like cramping or upset stomach.

Over the Counter Drops

There are also some all natural drops that you can buy (click here to see them) if you’re in a pinch and nothing else is working.

There are quite a few natural remedies for ear infections. When used in children you should stay on the edge of caution. If there is a fever over 102 and worsening symptoms they need to be taken to a doctor as soon as possible. Ignoring their symptoms can lead to problems and sicknesses that are way worse than a simple ear infection.

Many times it's best to reach for natural remedies for sore throats before going the prescription route. These tips will help you easily battle sore throats without the added chemicals.

Natural Cough Remedies - Before reaching for over-the-counter cough medicines, try some of the natural remedies .

Have you used any of these remedies successfully? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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