Natural Remedies for Sore Throats (That Really Work!)

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Finding natural remedies for sore throats that really work can be hard. Each and every sore throat is not created equal. Even when you have the same illness running through your family, one remedy that works for one person, will not necessarily work for another. With cold and flu season among us once again, it is time to prepare, because no matter how much we try to prevent getting sick, it is bound to happen at least once.

We could turn to over the counter medicine. But 9 times out of 10, if you get relief from this type of medicine without side effects, there is always a limit to how much you can use and who you can use it on. I have noticed when treating my children’s sore throats, most over the counter medicines cannot be used on younger children. Having natural remedies ready to use can bring so much more comfort to those who are fighting a cold, flu, and even strep throat. Here are the natural remedies for sore throats that have worked for me over the years.

Many times it's best to reach for natural remedies for sore throats before going the prescription route. These tips will help you easily battle sore throats without the added chemicals.

Natural Remedies for Sore Throats

Peppermint Oil: This oil is very soothing to raw throats. There are several ways to use peppermint oil. You can diffuse in an essential oil diffuser, drink peppermint tea, or take a steamy shower and drop several drops of peppermint oil around the edges of the shower. The steam from the warm shower helps open up your airways which allows the peppermint oil to calm your scratchy throat.

Honey: I use honey as a natural remedy for many things in my home. One of my favorite ways to use this lovely ingredient is by mixing 1-2 tablespoons with warm water and freshly squeezed lemon. Honey has been proven to help heal sore throats and even suppress coughing in not only adults but children too.

There are many ways to take honey, including giving it straight out of the bottle by the tablespoon. This technique works especially well for picky kiddos. Keep in mind, no matter what, you never give honey to a baby under the age of 1. You will also want to get your hands on real honey. There are a lot of processed jars of honey available on store shelves that you want to avoid. You will reap the most benefits by purchasing raw, organic, and local honey.

Salt Water: Gargling warm salt water will numb your throat and give you relief from the raw pain. It also kills bacteria. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt with a mug of warm water, gargle, and spit. The salt helps break up the gunk. You can gargle a few times a day.

If you are convincing a young child to take this remedy, there would be no harm mixing in a bit of honey to sweeten it up. You could also serve up some homemade chicken soup. The salt in the soup has the same benefits as gargling warm salt water.

Echinacea Tea: Echinacea is full of antiviral and antibacterial properties. These benefits are perfect for fighting sore throats. Instead of taking a supplement, which does help fight colds and the flu, pick up some Echinacea tea and have a few cups throughout the day. The direct contact to the sore throat will give more of an immediate relief versus taking a supplement.

Ginger: If you can tolerate the heat that this remedy brings it is a great way to eliminate a sore throat. Ginger’s antibacterial and antifungal benefits can help fight an infection in your throat. It is also a natural pain reliever. Try thinly slicing fresh ginger and steeping it with your favorite tea. Adding honey also does wonders for a sore throat.

There is also this DIY Licorice Cough Syrup that is full of ingredients to combat sore throats. Make a batch and keep it in your refrigerator during the cold and flu season.

I am hopeful that this list of natural remedies for sore throats will provide you and your family relief. Whichever remedy works for you, make sure to drink plenty of fluids to help flush the germs and bacteria out of your body.

Did any of your natural remedies for sore throats that really work make the list? Let us know what natural remedies work for you.

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