How Nightshade Vegetables Could Be Affecting Your Health

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Nightshade vegetables are named for plants that grow well in shaded areas. Vegetables like potatoes, eggplants, various peppers and tomatoes are a few examples. Did you know that nightshade vegetables could be affecting your health?

Many of these vegetables are a staple in most people’s diets. But they can have an adverse affect on your health. While the list of toxic nightshades far outweighs the list of edible nightshades, the edible ones can be just as dangerous.

How Nightshade Vegetables Could be Affecting Your Health - Many people have a sensitivity to certain vegetables in the nightshade family. You may not even be aware that you're being affected.

Autoimmunity and Vitamin D

The most noted risks tied to nightshade vegetables are things like arthritis and joint pain. Things like the autoimmune disease called rheumatoid arthritis can be tied to consuming nightshade plants on a regular basis.

Another source of risks can be how our bodies process the type of vitamin D in nightshades. Vitamin D helps with our bones, joints, and teeth. Unfortunately, nightshades hold high doses of very potent vitamin D3. Which prevents the metabolism of calcium which makes the body deposit calcium into the soft tissues around the body. While these studies have been tested on animals full human trials have not yet taken on being exposed to large amounts of vitamin D3.

Alkaloids and Lectins

Alkaloids like solanine in potatoes, and capsaicin which makes peppers spicy, are a natural bug and mold deterrent. The plants produce them to ward off pests so the plants can survive. On the toxic side of the nightshade family, it is these exact chemical compounds that make them toxic to humans.

The edible nightshades still contain these alkaloids but in smaller doses. Usually found in the stems and leaves more than the vegetable itself. This would not be an issue for anyone with a healthy digestive system. For people with an autoimmune disease, they can be deadly. You see, alkaloids increase the response of the immune system – which is exactly what you want to avoid if you have an autoimmune disease.

Nightshade Vegetables

Avoiding nightshades permanently is not a necessity for everyone. But if you suffer from an autoimmune disease, even if it is something short term like the common cold or flu, you should avoid consuming nightshade vegetables.

For those who suffer from chronic pain in your bones or joints or have symptoms of leaky gut. removing nightshades all together may be beneficial.

If you decide you want to keep consuming nightshades there are a few steps you can take to make sure you are eating them in a healthy way. Baking nightshade vegetables instead of frying them, peeling the skins, and avoiding the stems and leaves, can help.

Anti Inflammatory Diet

Have you noticed any sensitivities to nightshade vegetables? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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