Online Cooking Classes for Kids

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Do you have a child that is becoming interested in cooking?

More and more kids are getting interested in being in the kitchen. Turn on Food Network and you’ll see a number of shows devoted to young cooks. If you’re not in to cooking, or want your child to be able to learn more than you can teach them, there are online cooking classes for kids. Let’s take a closer look.

Online Cooking Classes for Kids

Online Cooking Classes for Kids

The Step Stool Chef Academy 

The Step Stool Chef Academy allows you and your kids to learn new techniques at your own pace. If you’re often too busy to create meal plans that your kids can help with, you and your kids will love these cooking classes. Taught by kids for kids, the cooking videos will allow your kids to learn new techniques, get great kid-friendly recipes, and learn the basics of cooking.

Spatulatta features over 350 step-by-step video recipes. Again, these videos feature kids making the recipes. On the site you’ll find kid-friendly recipes, basic cooking skills, creative projects, and virtual tours. This is a fun site that your kids will love. You can also order a cookbook from the site so that your kids can have all the recipes within easy reach.

Kids Cooking Activities 

Kids Cooking Activities is a great place for parents that aren’t sure where to start when it comes to teaching kids how to cook. The site has cooking lessons that are divided by age group. There are ten lessons for each age group and there are five age groups. There are even tips for helping you get started using the lessons.

Fit for a Feast Chef School

Fit a Feast Chef School features great videos that focus on kid-tested recipes and cooking techniques. What’s really great about this site is that it also teaches food and kitchen safety, how to turn food into art, and much more.

JAM: Become a Pro Chef 

Last, but not least, the Become a Pro Chef course is offered through JAM and meant for teens. The course teaches kids how to make appetizers, entrees, and desserts. This is a great course for kids that want to expand their skills. The only downside is that the course does cost money, but there is a 7-day free trial.

Cooking Class: 57 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love and Eat

And if you’re not quite ready for online classes, try this kids recipe book, Cooking Class: 57 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love to Make (and Eat!), and just pick out one new recipe each week for the kids to make.

If your kids love to cook, online cooking classes can be a great way for your kids to learn new skills and recipes. Best of all, many of these sites offer free classes. If you want your kids to learn more, but don’t have the time to teach them, these classes can be a great option.

How do you involve your kids in the kitchen?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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