Our 2 Year Anniversary of Gotcha Day

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Hard to believe it’s been two years. It seems like forever and not that long all at the same time.

I’m not gonna lie….it’s been a rough two years, but we are definitely in a good routine these days.

Maddi - 2nd Gotcha Day Anniversary

Our Story

If you’re new to my blog, then you might be interested in going back and reading our story that brought us to adoption first. And then you should read the about the entire trip to China (I blogged every day). And if you’re still interested in reading more, then you can find more on this page here – just start at the bottom and then go up.

Ok, now that everyone is caught up…

Maddi with pigtails

Maddi Today

Today Maddi is a 32 lb 37″ tall force to be reckoned with! She wears a 3T-4T (versus her 12 months clothes just 2 years ago) and talks NON-STOP! (And yes, she pretty much only wears her shoes on the wrong feet.)

She goes to preschool 5 days a week. She loves any toy her brothers are playing with (not sure she’s ever touched a doll). She loves to dig in the dirt, collect acorns and annoy her brothers AND she’s left handed.

She will eat pretty much anything (unless the boys have gotten up from the table and then she’s magically “full”) and is the absolute queen of stating the obvious.

She knows what she wants and when she wants it and is not afraid to make her needs heard (and heard and heard and…). She loves routine and needs things to be very much the same every day.

She has a very normal life and although we aren’t sure what her eventual needs will be medically, for now everything’s working the best we can expect and we only see her specialists once a year for check ups (if I remember to schedule them).

So we’ll just keep on keeping on. She has definitely added a new layer of crazy to our already crazy lives, but we are glad she’s ours and can’t wait to watch her continue to grow

Happy Gotcha Day Maddi!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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