Pan Fried Turkey Recipe

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So we all know the traditional way of cooking turkey…in the oven.

But I’ve been taking these online cooking classes and one of the lessons was to pan fry your meat…it’s really good and super juicy!

My kids totally all ate this pan fried turkey breast and even said they liked it! (did you fall down after reading that last part?)

Pan Fried Turkey Breast - Pan frying is a super fast and easy way to prepare chicken or turkey. It's really juicy and a kid friendly meal.

Pan Fried Turkey

I’ve been doing these online cooking courses and the most amazing thing has happened at my house because of it…my kids actually eat dinner!

I’m super amazed since a majority of their diets consist of peanut butter, hot dogs and Goldfish (as hard as I try to limit that stuff…it’s all they’ll eat).

But if I cook a meal from scratch…they almost always eat it and like it! Who knew?

Anyway, in the class they suggested pan frying to get some of the good crusties on the meat…and it does make for a really pretty dinner.

For this meal, I bought a Jenni-O turkey breast. It’s really two pieces that come kind of rolled up into a long meat roll (sounds appetizing, right? I promise it is!)

Pan Fried Turkey

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Yield: 4-6 servings


  • 1 Jenni-O Turkey Breast roll
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • Himalayan pink sea salt


  1. Open the turkey breasts and place them on a cutting board.
  2. Loosely cover them with plastic wrap and pound them with a meat tenderizer until they are even all the way across.
  3. Take off the plastic wrap and sprinkle the salt on the turkey.
  4. Then take a sharp knife and starting about 2 inches from the bottom tip, slice diagonally until you have cut the entire piece into 2 inch slices.
  5. Repeat on the other piece.
  6. Place a skillet on the stove and turn on the heat.
  7. After about 3 minutes, place the olive oil in the pan. Be sure the entire bottom is coated in oil.
  8. Place the pieces of turkey in the pan at least 1 inch apart (you may not be able to get them all in, that's fine just do what you can and cook the rest when you have room).
  9. Allow the turkey to cook until it is browned on one side, then flip and do the same on the other side.
  10. Remove cooked pieces and place on a plate. Cover with aluminum foil that you've placed a hole in the top while you continue to cook the rest of the meat.
  11. Serve.
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This meal goes great with roasted veggies. Try my oven roasted potato fries or my oven roast brussel sprouts (your kids will eat these too!).

Visit Sarah Kostusiak’s profile on Pinterest.

Follow me on Pinterest for TONS more kid friendly recipe ideas!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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