Kids in the Kitchen: Planting Seeds

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Planting Seeds

Welcome back to our weekly installment of Kids in the Kitchen!

This week we thought we’d try growing some of our own food by planting seeds.

On what felt like our twelfth trip to Target this week, we found some of these little seed kits in the $1 section.  The boys were super excited!

They come in this little greenhouse with 2 moss pellets and a package of seeds.

The directions say to first put 6 table spoons of warm water into a bowl. We took this as an opportunity to introduce liquid measurement and they each counted out their six.

Then you place the pellets in the water and they magically grow…well Connor’s did, we had to kind of play with Evan’s a bit to get them to soak up all the water.

You transfer the moss back to the greenhouse and place 10 seeds in and put the lid back on.

Super easy! They were both talking all through the store about how they were going to keep them in their rooms…they forgot that once we got home though.

Connor wants to take the extra seeds and plant them in his garden. And when asked where his garden was, he went and stood in a spot in the backyard and said, “Here!” (The dogs will kill it and it will be a crying mess…mark my words!)

We’ll let ya know how they grow!

Don’t forget to check out some of the other posts in the Kids in the Kitchen linky by clicking on the image:

Have you planted seeds from scratch with your kids?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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