Rainbow Veggie Kabobs

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Nothing says summer like grilled veggies!

I must admit I’m a little sad this summer. Our grill got blown across the backyard, and broken, in one of the Spring storms this year. Since we’re moving next month, we haven’t replaced it and I really want some of these grilled rainbow veggie kabobs.

Rainbow Veggie Kabobs - the perfect summer grilling recipe

Rainbow Veggie Kabobs

My friend Carrie over at CarrieElle.com posted this grilled vegetable recipe that think is PERFECT for summer.

These summer veggies will be ready to pick soon and finding fun ways to eat them a highlight of summer (having kids participate in growing their veggies is a great way to get them to eat them!).

Click Here for the Recipe

How do you like to eat your summer vegetables?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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